
Lists, Lists, Lists

I haven't done a random list in a while, so enjoy:

*We took Erik Pasco to see Switchfoot yesterday in Hunts-vegas, and I must say, it has to be the best rock show I've been to...maybe over all. I've seen a lot of shows, but this was high energy, meaningful, honest and sooo good. It definitely confirmed my love for the band. AND I got to hear Jamie (the founder of TWLOHA) speak before Switchfoot performed. Yeah...I cried. I can't help it - when people I don't know speak my heart, it moves me.

*I love our church. I know I've said this a billion-trillion times, but we (Paul & I) have recently had a resurgence of love for our little part in God's family. Sigh.

*I get to see DW and his wife-y on May 4th @ Workplay. Want to come??

*I worked 8 hours of overtime last week. It was tough, but worth it. I even came in on Saturday! It was actually the most fun I've ever had at this job...like THAT is hard to believe.

*WE GET TO SEE RENT THIS WEEKEND!!!! YAY!!!! AND I get to leave work early on Friday to go to Atlanta. Boo. Yah.

*I decided to go back on Weight Watchers last week. I basically had an emotional breakdown about the bridesmaid's dress I have to wear in May for my brother's wedding, so I made the decision. It's been good, and I lost three pounds last week. :)

*Paul is itching to do landscaping for the house. We've had so much to do on the weekends, and we'll finally have some time in May. He's uber-excited. He even drew up some "plans" today, and wrote down some places we need to check out. He's a nerd.

*I finally got a Gmail email address. It's ok.

*Special K2O Protein Water is really good, and the whole bottle (16 oz) is free in points! It's definitely a good find.

*I hate my cell phone. It likes to turn off randomly, even if the battery is fully charged. I'm awaiting my upgrade...c'mon July! I think I might put a bit of extra $$ into it to get something good...we'll see.

*For those of you who pray, please send up some love for me about my job. I'm praying about some decisions, and I really want God's guidance on it. Gracias!

*I want to buy this t-shirt, but I'm really battling paying $20 for it. I keep asking myself if it's worth it, and everything in me screams, "YES!" But I dunno.

*My tattoo addiction is kicking in...it's been a couple months...

*Girl's Night - MAY 10! :)

Ok, I guess that's enough for now. More later...


Just Chris said...

Gmail is awesome! You will see in due time.

Unknown said...

So I've got to tell you, good job on the three lbs! Slow and steady... I'll be praying on the job front. I gots peeps on that list fo sho!

Anonymous said...

i heart gmail, okay, i heart gmail. it hurts a little that you don't seem very excited about it. maybe it's because in the grand scheme of things, there's too much excitement for you to heart gmail, too.

i mean, you heart switchfoot, you heart rent, you heart safeharborpelham, you heart the wedding even if you don't heart the dress.... there's a lot of heart. wait for a slow period. then you'll heart gmail.

btw, i heart YOU!

alisaferrara said...

i HEART gmail too. you will learn to heart it, definitely!

i want a new tattoo too!! i can't hardly stand it.

happy earth day!

"The Transplanted Yankee" said...

I'm getting used to Gmail, ladies. It had a lot of features...I just have to keep playing. :)

alisaferrara said...

of course you are one of the two!!! now just point all your friends to my blog that way we get lots of input. :)

Andrea Benz said...

Dude, I love Glarkware. I have a couple of his shirts and I have been lusting after the "Good Grammar Cost Nothing" shirt for seriously about a year. I should just break down and buy it to calm myself. And I've been debating about buying the "I [heart] Irony" hoodie for my roommate (and the "Hyperbole" shirt for myself) for a couple months. I'm so indecisive. And longwinded. I love the Kool-Aid sugarfree things you put in a 16 oz. water bottle. They taste almost the same as regular Kool-Aid and they are free in points too!