
Do you ever just get bored?

That's how I feel today...bored. Really bored. I'm not complaining - I'd rather be bored having a job than not having a job. But really...I just wonder when this part of my life will be over. And it probably won't be for a while. *sigh*

Maybe all of this deep contemplation is due to me watching My So-Called Life...the complete series. Ha. Too bad my Jordan Catalano is painting cars right now... ;)

Oh, and I heart Activia yogurt. Seriously. It's probably not the best thing to be eating with my sinuses being all jacked up and my throat all irritated, but whatever. Sorry for the randomness. Maybe I'll blog about something real later...


Unknown said...

Dude, this may be TMI for a blog, but I ate 3 of those Activia yogurts one day and the next day I pooped 6 times. I was like, "whoa, probiotics!".

Marie said...

Lynn...you and Leigha sooo need to meet. I really think you might be the same person. She owns the entire series of My So Called Life.
Rachel, you make me laugh!