
Can you believe it's already May 12th?!?

I don't know why, but lately, I'm amazed at truly how fast time flies. I mean, I feel like I was just celebrating Christmas! I'm weird, I guess. Anyway, this weekend was oh so good. Paul and I got to have a date on Friday night (the first time in forever). We ate Moe's and saw Iron Man. It was decent...a lot of build up, and there will most definitely be a sequel, but it was good. Saturday was the gym, NOT getting my wedding rings back (ugh...another story for another day), a Wal-Mart run (not so much fun on a Saturday), making pasta salad, and getting to La Casa de Benz late. Sorry ladies! But girl's night was a success, I believe. Megan was an awesome host, and I think WE ALL realized that we're not the only weirdos around here... ;)

Sunday was weird, but ok. Church was good - I believe Luke preached what God was telling him to preach. It definitely hit me and Paul. Mother's day was dumb...I love Paul's parents, but his brother gets on my every last nerve. He keeps talking about the girl he's basically living with as if their relationship is just as good as Paul or Keith's marriages. NOT SO, SIR. Regardless of how much you may "love" or care about her, you're still not married, so it's still not a good thing. Especially to talk about in detail in front of your parents. You're dumb. I did get to eat steak though... :)

Well, I started this blog earlier today, and am just now finishing it (at 8:55pm). I'm smelling the wonderful odor of varnish on our hardwood floors (first coat - second and last will be tomorrow!), and our neighbor even ate dinner with us. Good times. I got some laundry done, the kitchen (kinda) clean, and this smell isn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be.

Update on the godforsakenbridesmaid'sdress...I am shipping it priority mail to my mother tomorrow and her tailor is going to try her darndest to take it out. She's worked with dresses of this (horrific) nature before, and there really aren't any specific instructions - rip the thing apart if you have to, but take it out as much as humanly possible. Also, I won't have to worry about packing it, getting it all wrinkled, and then rushing around to get it steamed or pressed when we get to Chi-town next week. Sigh. I guess I feel better about it...we'll see what happens. Wow...my brother gets married in 13 days. Trippy.

OK...Paul is giving me dirty looks for being on the computer so much. Peace out kiddies!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, give him a dirty look back! I'm kidding. Anyway, I thought that Megan was an awesome host too. And I am glad to call you guys friends even if it did freak me out at first about how old you are. If you think about it, though, we've had a lot of the same life experiences, which makes us more similar. I don't know what I am trying to say. I need a vacation.