
A new laptop, TV interviews and Identity Theft

That's the main gist of my week thus far. We bought a new laptop last weekend (the one thing that has really made me happy, even though stress comes with it). Luke was on CBS 42 on Wednesday night (click here to see the clip), and we'll be on TV again because this Sunday, ABC 33/40 will be coming to our service to tape and interview. WOO-HOO! I know God is going to do something amazing with this opportunity, even if I don't see it yet.

Lastly, I had my identity partially stolen today. I, like the dumbass I can be sometimes, was scammed by an email that claimed it was from Amazon.com's security office to verify my account info. Now, trust me, usually I don't touch emails like this because it's for some bogus company or some weird email address sent it to me. This time, however, I was reeled in because I do have an Amazon accout, and I do store personal info there, including my debit card info. Needless to say, I verified the info (and thus, opened my life) to an identity thief, and have spent the entire morning trying to get everything sorted out. This type of theft is an ugly thing, and I feel stupid and vulnerable. As far as I know, we've done everything we can to take care of it, and the people I've worked with have been awesome about all of it. I'm thankful that there are still smart, competent and kind people out there helping idiots like me.

I'm just about at my breaking point right now. Stress is all-consuming, and although I know I should use the stupid cliche of "too blessed to be stressed", I'm not in the mood. God, I need a break. Something....anything.... Also, be careful what you say out loud to God, because He'll call you on it and then some. I was just talking to my supervisor yesterday about all of the stress I'm dealing with, and how HORRIBLE this week has been, and how I don't think I can take anymore. Then today happens. Apparently, I can take more than I thought. My brain might be mush, my face might be tear-stained, and my heart might be in a million crushed pieces, but because of His strength, I can take it.

And now, my focus moves to my parents coming to town next weekend, and preaching about submission in three weeks. Anyone want to say a prayer for me? GAH.


Erik said...

sorry to hear about the streak of bad luck. NEVER EVER respond to any email asking you to update your information - especially if they are asking for login info or financial information. That's called phishing...and it sucks!

So is that new laptop a shiny new apple?

Erik said...

You're going to regret not getting a mac in about a year - I know I am with my laptop. Oh well, at least you didn't get Vista on it did you? ...you probably did. But happy new laptop anyways :)

I will probably come to the open forum at the end of the month, but I can't get away for Sunday morning "Sex God" worship services.

You know, if you had a Saturday night or Sunday evening service, I bet more people would come... but then again, that just might be church people.


Unknown said...

Dave and I had an interesting bout with "submission" a few years ago. It was awful. I'll tell you about sometime, if you want...

Marie said...

Wow, I can't believe Luke was on the news about the sex sermon series! Thanks for posting about it on your blog. I havent had my identiy stolen but everything electronic i own seems to be breaking down so I can sympathize with the stress. I hope it all gets better for you!

David Benz said...

I almost fell for one of those phishing scams once. I had started filling out the form before I got suspicious. I can understand how upset you would be. Some of those phishing emails look very authentic!

David Benz said...

Erik, Vista isn't bad. I've been using it on my work desktop for several months now. It works great as long as you have good hardware and lots of RAM. It isn't perfect, but it works pretty well.