I suck at it. And yes, I still want to be a writer.
Anyway...my life has revolved around a job I hate for so long, that I'm truly in the "I-don't-give-a-crap" stage. Seriously. And everything else in life seems to be going pretty well...
- Church is good. We're feeling more and more connected to Pelham, and to Luke and Shana. (Yes, I know you'll read this, Luke...sniff, sniff...tear, tear...) We're excited about what God is doing within the hearts of the committed there, and in the new development in Dega. God knows what He's doing, regarldess of whether or not I approve or understand.
- Small group was AWESOME last night. Crazy Martha...
- Paul has worked late every night this week (except last night so he could come to small group). I don't like it, but I do like having a bit of extra money...I guess I can deal with it for now.
- People make me laugh. Especially those who are clueless about relationships/flirting/dating, etc. C'mon people, you're adults...just be honest with yourself and admit that you like him. Send him a note if you want...I bet he'll circle "yes".
- Friends are an interestingly good topic right now. Except for one, but you don't know her. God is dealing with me about her slowly but surely...
- God, help me be humble so I don't knock prideful asses in their faces. Thanks.
- Can you tell I LOVE lists?
Ok, enough...my creativity is about gone for the moment. I have 30 more minutes at work, then it's off to the gym. I miss my husband. And I hate being blah about life right now. Oh well. Maybe the Lord will replenish my creative energy, and I'll be able to write something more meaningful and inspiring later.
Random question of the day: If you had to choose between chocolatey goodness (i.e. M & Ms) or sugary goodness (i.e. cotton candy), which would you pick?
cotton candy...fo sho. not big on chocolate at the moment...we had a falling out. have you seen my hips??
Chocolate-y. Undoubtedly. No question. I need some right now...hmmm.
can i have both? i hate making decisions!
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