
So, why the name?

Well, I came to Birmingham through a ministry program I was in called Master's Commission. Most of my family still remains somewhere in the Midwestern/Northern area of the country, and they all thought I was crazy. CRAZY. "Why Birmingham?!" Well, I try to do what God tells me to do, so...almost 6 years later, I'm still here. However, I continue to consider myself "transplanted" and many people here will still call me a yankee (and yes, they will still use the other part of that term)...hence the name.


Erik said...

we should start a "yankee in the south" blog ring or something ;)

Unknown said...

Well....Well....Well...Look who joined the club. I love starting something new!!

Unknown said...

I was born in Chicago, but lived in KY from age 5-18 and have now lived in AL for 9 and 1/2 years. People still call me a yankee. Could be related to the fact that I hate sweet tea and grits.

Erik said...

on the link to my blog, could you make it:
"http://erikpasco.blogspot.com" ?

Also, looking at the other link, you might want to check and make sure you don't put the "http" in there twice, blogger automatically adds the prefix to all of it's links (unless you overwrite it).

Keep up the blogging! It takes at least 2 posts a week to get people reading regularly (or they can use google reader like I do).


Melissa said...

I did not know Rachel was born in Chicago! That makes at least 3 of us now!

"The Transplanted Yankee" said...

And Erik being from Ohio is close enough!!