
I stole this...

Hi, my name is: Lynn

When I'm nervous: I talk A LOT

The last song I listened to was: "Sorry" by Five O'Clock People

If I were to get married right now my Best Man/Maid of Honor would be: Hmm...that's a really hard question...probably Kristen Marie or Alisa Ann Marie

By this time next year: I hope to be working/possibly living elsewhere

I have a hard time understanding: why stupid people get in other people's business

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: Paul

Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: clothes at Old Navy...yay for losing weight! :)

Most recent thing someone else bought me: Hmm...food, maybe?

My favorite redhead is: Rachel, I guess, since her hair is a little red ;)

My favorite blonde is: Hannah...she has the most blonde, I think

The last person I kissed was: Paul...duh

My middle name is: Catherine

The last person I called was: Paul

The last person that called me was: Paul

In the morning I: hit snooze, sometimes shower, get dressed, etc...the normal stuff

Last night I was: At the gym, watching TV, talking to Paul or reading, all of which occured before bed

If I was an animal I'd be: Something that lives a LONG time

Tomorrow I am: Getting my hair "fixed" (just certain parts), and re-doing our bathroom, paint and all! Super fun!

Tonight I am: Taking my hubby on a date

I'm going to miss: my family

My favorite color is: kelley green

My heart is: NOT in my job...gah...

I'm excited about: A gray bathroom, my husband, hopefully getting my new tattoo within the next couple weeks, church stuff



I know, I know...I have already been told that for people to really keep up with your blogs, you have to be in this continual state of writing...

I suck at it. And yes, I still want to be a writer.

Anyway...my life has revolved around a job I hate for so long, that I'm truly in the "I-don't-give-a-crap" stage. Seriously. And everything else in life seems to be going pretty well...
  • Church is good. We're feeling more and more connected to Pelham, and to Luke and Shana. (Yes, I know you'll read this, Luke...sniff, sniff...tear, tear...) We're excited about what God is doing within the hearts of the committed there, and in the new development in Dega. God knows what He's doing, regarldess of whether or not I approve or understand.
  • Small group was AWESOME last night. Crazy Martha...
  • Paul has worked late every night this week (except last night so he could come to small group). I don't like it, but I do like having a bit of extra money...I guess I can deal with it for now.
  • People make me laugh. Especially those who are clueless about relationships/flirting/dating, etc. C'mon people, you're adults...just be honest with yourself and admit that you like him. Send him a note if you want...I bet he'll circle "yes".
  • Friends are an interestingly good topic right now. Except for one, but you don't know her. God is dealing with me about her slowly but surely...
  • God, help me be humble so I don't knock prideful asses in their faces. Thanks.
  • Can you tell I LOVE lists?

Ok, enough...my creativity is about gone for the moment. I have 30 more minutes at work, then it's off to the gym. I miss my husband. And I hate being blah about life right now. Oh well. Maybe the Lord will replenish my creative energy, and I'll be able to write something more meaningful and inspiring later.

Random question of the day: If you had to choose between chocolatey goodness (i.e. M & Ms) or sugary goodness (i.e. cotton candy), which would you pick?


Ok, so it's not the best picture in the world, but it shall do for now. This was taken this morning while on my way to work, so I'm not the happiest camper, but I gave you a grin anyway. ;) If I take a better one, you'll see it. Thanks for the opinions and comments, everyone!


What do you think?

So, this is what I'm thinking about for a haircut tomorrow. I'm thinking mine will be a little longer all over, though...and my bangs won't be as short. What do you think? Opinions, people!!!


Update from the last post...

  • 80's party was awesome. Go see pictures on our MySpace. If you're not a friend on our MySpace, you should be...and you won't see pictures because we have our profile marked as private due to unwanted stalkers. So...I guess you won't see pictures. Oh well.
  • Lunch was great. We didn't end up grilling out due to the rain, but had some great Mexican dip (props to Cathy) and a good game of Peanuts (cards).
  • We saw Harry Potter...it was good...not as good as I had hoped, but it was still awesome.
  • I think Mississippi might be out...it all depends on work for the time being.
  • I'm still counting down days to Ohio. We're at one month and 6 days.
  • God is amazing when it comes to friendships. And I'm super thankful that He's better at handling them than I am.
  • Actually, I think God might have given us just a tad bit of direction...Paul not going back to school this fall. We're still praying about it. God will have to lead.
  • Which means the laptop might be out for now. I don't know. Boo...

Other stuff I'm thinking about currently:

  • My job just makes me laugh now...there's no point in getting upset or stressed out. Really. I'm over it.
  • Losing weight is getting harder and harder. I'm not excited about that. And I just want to eat crappy stuff. Help me, Jesus...
  • We're SUPER PUMPED about Dega...if you want to know what I'm talking about, click here.
  • I'm learning more about God everyday. Even if it's in the midst of seeing my faults.
  • I typically thrive on change. I'd move across the world at the drop of a hat. But I'm realizing that if the change has to do with relationships, connections, etc...I'm not as good with it.
  • I get to see my Alisa tomorrow. :)
  • Gum balls are great.
  • So is Cool Whip Light.
  • I think I might want to be a writer.

More later...


Stuff to look forward to...

  • 80's metal-themed party (HAPPY B-DAY BRAD MOSELY!): Paul and I are totally taking this thing serious - outfits will include (but are not limited to): White pants with slits down the legs, a "Frankie Says Relax" shirt, sweatbands, crazy make-up, and tights. Who will wear what? Take a guess...
  • Lunch with friends: We're having lunch with Luke & Shana and a friend of mine from MC and her new hubby tomorrow. I think we're doing burgers on the grill. I'm making pasta salad, and I think we're getting potato salad too. Any other ideas?
  • Seeing the new Harry Potter movie at some point...who knows when it'll happen, but I'm excited nonetheless.
  • Rekindling old friendships (or ones that have waned, and are now coming back).
  • Maybe going to Mississippi to see my cousin and her hubby. They just moved down here from MI because he's in seminary there, so I think that might have within the first couple weeks in August.
  • Because I have THE COOLEST friends in the world, I'll be spending the last weekend in August in Ohio to have some girl time. You should know my friends. They ROCK.
  • Paul starting school (ok, not really looking forward to it, but with the possibility of a school loan, he might be able to get stuff done sooner than originally hoped.)
  • Along with the aforementioned possible school loan will come a NEW LAPTOP. Possibly a Mac...we'll see...

I'll write more later...


Vacation in a Nut Shell

Adventure #1: Leaving my purse in one of the 1,000,000 Pensacola Subway restaurants for over 40 minutes.

Panic. Tears. Praise the ever-living Lord, it's still there when we return. Paul had to go in to get it because I looked like a tear-stained wreck, and all he had to tell them was that the name on the license was Lynn Barnett, and it was in a hot pink wallet. I knew that wallet would come in handy...

Adventure #2: Switching restaurants after 45 minutes of waiting to be seated.

In downtown Pensacola, there is a building that houses two restaurants owned by the same company - The Fish House and the Atlas. We were waiting to be seated at the Fish House, and upon being seated and looking over the menu, we realize (and had it confirmed 5 minutes later by our sweet, Samoan-looking waitress) that they did not serve snow crab legs. Now, if you know me AT ALL, you know that this is the food I had been WAITING for, mainly because it's only like, 3 points for an entire serving with WW, and even having some of the butter is okay, and man, they're awesome....


Needless to say, Paul was the supportive husband who allowed himself to look absolutely retarded as we walked across the patio to the other restaurant. I finally got my crab legs, and they were a tad overcooked. I know, I sound like a pompous ass, but I consider myself to be somewhat of a snow crab aficionado, so this was a tad disappointing. The manager, (who originally had to deal with us - the picky couple wanting some damn snow crab legs), handled himself quite well, and when he asked what I thought of the crab, I gave him my honest opinion. Once again, if you know me at all, I don't usually EVER do this. If someone I'm with chooses to complain about something, I might chime in, but never do I out and out tell anyone they should be doing a better job, blah blah blah. (Mainly because I don't want to be poisoned or have someone's saliva in my food.) Well, this manager took it upon himself to make up for the cook's mistake, and gave us a free piece of Key Lime pie. BAM. I may start complaining more...

Adventure #3: Heat stroke. Almost.

Our last night at the B&B, and we're getting ready for bed. We had just done a photo shoot at the beach a little while earlier, so we were kinda warmish anyway, but we are overheating in our room, and it's only 9:00. We've got every light off, the TV on low, and we're laying in the bed, sweating. The major problem with this is that we both get EXTREMELY hot at night when sleeping, so this is a predicament. To put it bluntly, we're almost in our birthday suits, waiting for the ceiling fan to take effect, when we remember - BOO YAH - we brought a small box fan with us in the event that the B&B didn't have a ceiling fan in our room. We plug it in, sit it on one of the chairs, and aim it at our faces. It helped. Somewhat.

The next morning, we're sitting at breakfast with some of the other couples, and one of the owners (Bob) came to the table, points at Rebecca (one of the other gals), and says, "Did you use a blow dryer last night?"

Somewhat stunned, Rebecca responds, "Um, yeah...why?"

"Well," Bob says in his New Jersey accented, almost matter-of-fact tone, "that's why the air conditioner cut off last night. The outlet you used and the AC are on the same breaker (STUPID, STUPID, STUPID), so if it was hot upstairs (eyeing the rest of the table) that would be why."

All of us (except for one couple who together, probably weighed a total of 100 lbs.) all nodded in agreement. Of course, I, with my big mouth, blurt out, "Well, I'm glad it wasn't just us. Cause we're towering infernos when we sleep, and man...it was rough! By the way, Bob, you don't have to clean any of the blankets in our room - we didn't use them." I won't see these people again...it's okay.

Other memorable moments:

  • Having the weather channel say that it was going to pour all weekend, and it only rained twice that I can think of.
  • Pictures of the sky

  • Evan Almighty and License to Wed - we recommend both of them!

  • King-size bed...sigh...

  • Passing through Century, FL. (aw...Hannah...)

  • Realizations about sand. Specifically, the fact that I hate it. Officially.

  • Hearing God...

  • Good food

  • Activity points

  • Not only did I not gain weight, I finally made my 10% goal!!! New tattoo...here I come...

  • Spending time with old friends...Eric East...you're awesome. We love you!

And today, I was back at work. Boo...


Spending the 4th on the river...

What a day. I've been continuously reminded of the differences between me and the rest of the South. I learned today that old toilets are as good as any other kind of planter for your flowers on your front porch, that having original KKK members in your family is something to claim, and that being distantly related to the Kennedy family is not. Please don't get me wrong, I love my in-laws and the rest of the extended family. However, I do take great pleasure in simply listening and attempting to understand the conversations that go on back and forth between some of the family members. Please...endulge yourselves in some of the comments:

Aunt Ginger: "Whin (When) somethings happen, I don't never plan on gettin' any more." (Speaking of having inside dogs)

Aunt Ginger: "Now, ya'll know how owuld (old) I am, but I can't remember nothin'. But ya'll know Mayrin (Myron, her husband, sitting across the room from her)...he can remember stoof (stuff) that don't nobody else remembers. He amazing me..."

Uncle Myron: "I been up there in that Michigan. Man, it was 17 degrees and snowin'. And I was dumb enough to leave them there boots outside of my sleeping bag. They was freeeezing in the mornin'." (In response to showing our pictures from our trip)

FIL (Father-In-Law): "Now, not all KKK members was stupid enough to go out and kill blacks. They was started ta keep peace, ta keep thangs right."

FIL: "Now, ya'll know the rednecks that come on down here...make them signs perty!" (Asking me to make signs to sell his watermelon, cantaloupe, and tomatoes on the side of the road.)

FIL to Myron: "What's that old song...somethin' about "the South shall rise again"? C'mon...who sang that there song?"

Myron to FIL: "Uh, not sure...uh...Carl Jr. Yeah...that be him."

FIL to Myron: "Oh yeah, Carl Jr. He was the best..." (Who the crap is Carl Jr.?!)

There's a taste for you. Needless to say, I'm more than ready for vacation tomorrow. More to come...